Fever Ray, fever ray, a solo project by Swedish musician Karin Dreijer Andersson (thanks to Janice Anee Hunter)
Broadcast, tender buttons
Broken Social Scene, feel good lost
My general mood:
On the edge of a sharp knife.
Sunlight is my friend, but now that it is light until almost 1230 I am starting to see cracks forming in our relationship. I’ve been wearing my eye pillow as prescribed by my wife, but my brainwaves seem to be cued into this prolonged day and no eye pillow in the world will help me now. See the outline below for a short synopsis of the things I have been thinking about, and please discuss as you see fit.
I. Birth and related activites
A. Procreation
1. The sexual act, interpreted
a. a sin
b. a blessing
c. a trigger for the release of chemicals in the brain
d. a power relationship
e. how did sex become taboo?
f. are we hard-wired to be uncomfortable with
sex by default, or are we programmed by
culture to feel this way?
g. are there different types of sex?
h. if so, are some inherently morally wrong?
B. Babies
1. The right to children
a. 14 children and on welfare
b. no children and aren’t allowed to adopt
d. two kids are enough
c. who has the right to make these decisions?
d. what about when these decisions affect a
large number of people?
e. how many people can the earth support?
II. The past
A. Memory
1. Things you can’t forget, even when you
desperately want to
a. lost love, unrequited love, etc.
b. the pain of loneliness. The pain of everything, actually
c. missed opportunities of all shapes and sizes
d. how good things were some other time
e. certain songs, when they seem to mean something
beyond the obvious
f. what makes something unforgettable?
g. how can these memories become so overwhelming?
g. when it becomes difficult to carry these memories
any further, how can they be gotten rid of?
2. Things you can’t remember
a. how good things are right now
b. birthdays
c. details, when they matter most
d. how many people care about you
e. why are the most obvious things the hardest to
keep in mind?
f. why is it hard to remember the good things and
easy to remember the bad things in life?
B. History
1. Things you are ashamed of
a. hurting other people
b. hurting yourself
c. poor decisions in general
d. should guilt have an expiration date?
e. If you apologize, even years after the offense,
are you exonerated?
f. why can some people put the past behind
them while others can’t?
g. if something is a secret that that no one else
knows about, can you still be ashamed of it?
2. Things you are proud of
a. helping other people
b. accomplishments that have helped you get where
you are right now
c. if something is a secret, can you still be proud of it?
III. The Present
A. Here and now
1. Waking up
a. coffee, food, morning medication
b. say goodbye to your partner so he/she can go off to
c. think about yesterday
d. think about tomorrow
e. browse the internet
f. why is it so difficult to start the day?
2. Doing stuff all day long, just like the other days
a. eat lunch
b. try desperately to concentrate on one single task and
complete said task
c. browse the internet
d. even the exciting life is monotonous. Why?
3. Winding down
a. eat dinner
b. converse with your partner, see how he/she is
c. feel guilty about not accomplishing more in the day
d. browse the internet
e. evening medication
f. go to sleep
g. some people say that all of this time on the computer and
tied to other technology is killing us slowly. Is this true?
h. every day is different, but every day is ultimately the
IV. The Future
A. Everything that will ever happen to you
1. Things that cause anxiety simply because you think of them
a. health
b. failure of any kind
c. hurting others
d. losing someone you love
e. hurting yourself
f. keeping secrets
g. divulging secrets
i. new opportunities
j. if you don’t understand something, and we all can’t
predict the future, is it best to be afraid?
h. how do you defeat these anxieties?
i. some people recommend not thinking too much about
the future.
Is this a legitimate way to avoid anxiety, or does it
seem irresponsible?
2. Things that cause excitement, and perhaps subsequently
a. a meaningful relationship
b. a family
c. breakthroughs and the opportunities they present
3. Things that just cause excitement
V. Death and dying
A. Details
1. The bits that matter
a. being afraid of dying
b. the grief of those around you
c. the comfort and closure for those around you
d. is fear of death a modern cultural construct?
e. why is it so difficult to lose someone close to you?
f. is there a physical or scientific way to describe grief?
2. Rites and rituals
a. Interment of the dead, ancestor worship, funeral customs
b. why would anyone want to be buried in the ground
for the rest of eternity?
c. is it ethically sound for a hole in the ground to cost so
much money?
B. The part afterwards, i.e. the soul
1. Where you go (adherents and people who might end up there)
a. heaven (christians, jews, mothers, suicide bombers, etc.)
b. hell (Christians, jews, mothers, infidels,
satanists (happily?), etc.)
c. limbo (catholics, infants, etc.)
d. nowhere at all (me?, richard dawkins, earthworms, etc.)
e. can the existence of an afterlife be determined using
any current system of understanding?
f. alternatively, will the mere existence of an afterlife
always be a question of faith?
2. Who determines where you go
a. god, allah, yahweh, etc.
b. no one at all
c. does all of faith boil down to what happens to you
when you die?
d. is it possible that a set of rules as laid down or indicated
by a higher power determines the circumstances of
your afterlife?
Are these thoughts the hallmarks of higher consciousness? How did we develop this sense of philosophy, a desire to understand the world around us completely? As we move further and further into a new understanding of the world around us, as we are confronted with an increasingly insurmountable wall of information, I think we actually lose the ability to answer these questions adequately. The mystery simply deepens.
My time alone here has led me to frequently play that most dangerous mental game, the what-if game, where you pick a point in time where a choice was made and you meticulously reconstruct reality starting with taking the other path. Superficially this seems harmless, but it requires a re-evaluation of everything important that has happened since that point. It never turns out good for me, no matter how appealing the other decision might be in retrospect.
This outline is a work in progress. I have been sitting on it for a while, concerned that it was too personal and perhaps offensive. Really I just want people to think, and perhaps to help me think a bit more clearly too.
The next installment, pending response to this entry, might include Dreams and Art.