Monday, June 14, 2010

mors flowers...

Greg and Janne went on a little holiday to Rome, and when they returned we took a car over to the island of Mors for a bit of fossil hunting. Also on the agenda was a trip to a special private Japanese-style garden Greg heard about through a friend.

Mors is a small island in the west of Denmark, completely surrounded by the Limfjord that extands part-way across the country. The whole island is known for a special clay deposit that makes good bricks as well as a great deposition of fossils close to the surface. We hit up the Mors fossil museum and then went hunting, though honestly we must not have gone to the right place because we didn't really find much of anything. I think a trip back with an insider would be the best course of action if you wanted to find fossils. See the map for an idea of where Mors is, and notice the small town of Hurup just to the west of the island, which is were we went to visit the garden.,+Danmark&hl=sv&ei=Zl0WTI_6NM-QOPLfkawB&sll=56.821912,8.714862&sspn=0.306642,0.424371&ie=UTF8&view=map&geocode=Fcv8YgMdUy6FAA&split=0&ved=0CBYQpQY&hq=&hnear=Mors,+Danmark&ll=57.148161,9.733887&spn=1.460191,4.938354&z=8&pw=2

The garden was really fantastic. Greg met these people through a friend, and it turns out that the woman has traveled all over the world collecting special/rare/exotic specimens to plant. It was surreal to pull up to a plain suburban house in Hurup and find this place in the back yard.

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